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Smart enzyme discovery

Smart enzyme discovery Tablet Image Smart enzyme discovery Mobile Image
Mobile Gradient

Smart enzyme discovery


(8 – 12 weeks 100 – 200 enzymes)

The smart enzyme discovery pipeline determines the enzymes’ most relevant regions for any desired biotransformation. Methods include bioinformatics analyses and physics-based methods (molecular docking, Molecular Dynamics (MD) and Quantum Mechanics/Molecular Mechanics (QM/MM) simulations).

Smart enzyme discovery can filter through vast amounts of protein data and create small smart targeted enzyme libraries. The enzymes are subsequently cloned, expressed and screened in vitro for the reaction of interest.

Our smart libraries contain 100-200 protein sequences, but libraries can be tailored according to customer needs. Timelines from in silico analysis to wet lab assays range from 8-12 weeks.



Examples of where Almac enzyme engineering technology has been used to improve an enzyme

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