formufast™: Pre-Clinical Formulation Development
Often drug candidates can exhibit poor bioavailability in early animal studies, which cannot always be overcome by traditional salt formation or particle size reduction strategies.
Developing a strong understanding early in drug development is key to preventing common reasons for failure and producing enabling formulations to maximise outcomes. Our early formulation platform, formufastTM is an intelligent approach that identifies potential challenges and creates rational formulations to overcome them rapidly.
We use in house technologies to understand each compound to identify the potential issues which may arise and develop strategies to overcome unique challenges. formufastTM allows rapid, tailored screening of small quantities of API against a range of excipients. Using our experience and knowledge these are chosen depending on the requirements of the drug compound and screened to find the most suitable formulation.
formufastTM for Early Enabling formulations.
We understand that working with different compounds requires a tailored approach, so formufastTM is designed to develop a range of different formulation approaches from size reduction, aqueous solutions, solid dispersion and lipid formulations for oral administration as well as parenteral solutions. Additionally we can use our in vitro analysis methods to examine potential formulations effects in vivo with minimal material usage.
Advantages of formufastTM screening include:
- Rapid identification of potential bioavailability issues
- Tailored approaches to overcome specific compound challenges
- Rational formulation approaches to achieve optimal outcomes
- In depth understanding of formulation effects and in vivo prediction