Biostatistical Services and Consulting

Complex innovative trial design randomisation techniques and IRT implementation.

Biostatistical Services and Consulting

Complex innovative trial design randomisation techniques and IRT implementation.

Biostatistical Services and Consulting

Complex innovative trial design randomisation techniques and IRT implementation.

Biostatistical Services and Consulting

Complex innovative trial design randomisation techniques and IRT implementation.


Clinical Biostatistical services

Almac is uniquely positioned with a dedicated Biostatistics Group who are 100% focused on Randomisation and IXRS® Implementation / Support. The Biostatistics Group is comprised of experienced Biostatisticians and Biostatistics Data Managers.

Almac’s Biostatistics group offers randomisation consultancy upfront and across the study’s lifecycle:

•  Regulatory considerations of randomisation
•  Evaluation of blinding / potential for selection-bias
•  Selection of randomisation methodology and parameterisation
•  Treatment balance impact
•  IXRS® randomisation solutions for any type of study (from simple to complex)

Biostatistical Services and Consulting

Biostatistical Services and Consulting

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Featured Expert

Jennifer Ross

Director of Biostatistics, Lansdale, USA

As Director of Biostatistics at Almac Clinical Technologies, Jennifer leads the Biostatistics Group responsible for providing statistical consultancy on randomization methodology and IXRS® (IRT) implementation. 

Find out more
Jennifer Ross

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