Sustainable Procurement Policy
Almac Group is committed to governance of procurement aligned with creating an environment intolerant to criminal conduct, such as any form of modern slavery, corruption or bribery, and minimising or eradicating harmful environmental and social impacts. In this regard, we are committed to further improving and developing our practices over the next 3 years.
About Almac Group
The Almac Group is an established contract development and manufacturing organisation providing an extensive range of integrated services across the drug development lifecycle to the pharmaceutical and biotech sectors globally. We offer a highly specialised, personalised and expert service along each stage of the drug development lifecycle and beyond. Our innovative services range from R&D, biomarker discovery development and commercialisation through to product sales.
What is Sustainable Procurement?
Sustainable procurement is the adoption of social, economic and environmental factors alongside price and quality considerations into the organisation’s sourcing activity. This is supported by the integration of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) principles into procurement processes and decisions while also ensuring that the organisation’s requirements are met.
Strategic Context
This document should be viewed alongside the following documents:
• Almac Group Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) annual report
• Almac Group Anti-slavery and Human Trafficking policy
• Almac Group Anti-corruption and Bribery policy – available on request
Policies and Commitments
Continued investment in green chemistry
Almac Group’s enzyme research and development programme advances green, economic and scalable processes for the synthesis of chiral Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (API) and intermediates. The need for these processes in the industry prompted Almac to build and fully integrate a biocatalysis group into its service portfolio, which as a group promotes biodiversity, decreases manufacturing costs, significantly reduces waste and reduces transportation costs from start to end of the process.
Plastics pollution
The issue of plastic pollution is one which is important to the environment. In response to this, Almac has joined the Responsible Plastic Management (RPM) Program as a support partner. We are committed to working with RPM to assess the purchase, use and disposal of plastic at our sites, and at minimise the associated impacts on the environment.
Modern slavery policy
Almac will not conduct business with a supplier involved in modern slavery or human trafficking. Almac’s Corporate Policy on Anti-Slavery and Human Trafficking sets out our expectations regarding responsible business conduct and the standards of integrity that Almac requires all directors, officers, employees and subsidiaries to follow. We expect that our contractors, suppliers, sub-contractors, distributors or business partners supplying either goods or services conform to similar behaviours. All are required to have read and complied with our policy prior to engaging in business with the Group.
This reflects our commitment to acting ethically and with integrity in all our business relationships and to ensure that slavery and human trafficking is not taking place in our business or in any of our supply chains.
Commitment to sustainable procurement
As a result of our ongoing commitment to support sustainable procurement of products in our supply chain, Almac can confirm the use of palm oil, palm fruit oil, palm kernel oil (PKO) or PKO derivatives are not used in any of our manufacturing and production processes and no tin, tantalum, tungsten or gold remains in the products we manufacture.
Pharmaceutical materials and chemicals
Competent personnel carry out risk assessments across the Group regularly. We require reference to the Risk assessments and Safety Data Sheets (SDS) prior to handling or disposing of any such substances. Additionally, Almac has adopted Pharmaceutical Supply Chain Initiative (PSCI) principles.
- Almac will pursue continuous improvement of its practices.
- Almac will comply with the letter and spirit of applicable legislation.
Responsible Sourcing
Almac is committed to sustainable procurement practices which minimises the impact of its operations on the environment by placing great emphasis on waste minimisation, recycling and CO2 emission reduction. These practices also promote co-operation between Almac and its suppliers to improve the environmental performance of both parties. Suppliers are expected to work with Almac in achieving these goals.
Almac expects its suppliers and sub-contractors to meet standards conducive to the respect of human rights and protection of employees’ health and safety, underpinned by adherence to relevant legislation. As appropriate, suppliers and sub-contractors will be required to provide a copy of its statement/document detailing steps being taken to ensure modern slavery and labour exploitation does not occur within its own business or supply chain.
By acting responsibly in collaboration with its suppliers, Almac aims to mitigate risks and create stable, long-term business relationships with our partners.
Where appropriate, Almac will include relevant criteria within the context of its ‘Supplier Assessment’ processes.
This policy will be reviewed and amended where apt on a regular basis to retain continued relevance and drive improvements.