Supporting your clinical trials through COVID-19
Almac’s global facilities remain open and operational since the initial outbreak of COVID-19 (Coronavirus). Currently, Almac Clinical Services has not experienced any significant operational impact due to the Coronavirus outbreak and our service levels remain unchanged. As the situation evolves, we continue to ensure successful drug delivery to patients for ongoing clinical trials worldwide.
In each territory where Almac operates and classification has been defined by local authorities, Almac is recognised as an “essential” or “life-sustaining” business. As the global spread of COVID-19 escalates and local and national governments enhance restrictions on people’s movements, we assure you that due to the essential nature of the work we carry out, Almac will continue to conduct critical business operations and our staff will continue to support your supply chain. We are living and working in uncertain, unprecedented and unpredictable times. The health and safety of our employees and our ability to ensure the delivery of medicines for our clients to their patients is our priority.
Almac Business Continuity
Upon declaration by the World Health Organisation (WHO) of this situation in late January, Almac Clinical Services enacted its Business Continuity Plan, which ensures the health and well being of personnel, suppliers and vendors, site operations and the minimisation of risk to business operations, as well as management of resources and quality to ensure our capacities and service levels are maintained for clients.
Measures introduced include:
- Review of all staffing arrangements and shift patterns to ensure that Almac resource and capacity is maximized.
- Introduction of social distancing, to include a reduction of face to face meetings.
- Remote working for all employees where their role permits.
- Focus on utilizing technology to support virtual/remote meetings both internally and externally.
- All employees have been issued with guidance on health & hygiene best practice and requested to report any symptoms associated with the virus immediately.
Clinical Distribution and Regional FAQs
Almac continues to ship and receive supplies globally, in line with our expected performance levels. We strive to transport every consignment at the optimal speed using contingency plans within our business continuity response plan framework. Nevertheless, meeting new limitations set by airlines and government authorities may affect the speed and/or cost of delivery of shipments to certain destinations. As in-country factors can rapidly change we will endeavour to keep you informed of any changes. We have developed a global shipping report providing an overview of shipping options from Almac’s global facilities including an assessment on the degree of impact to your supply chain. We hope that this will give you a quick and easy way to visualize our view of the global clinical supply chain.
NOTE: While Almac continues to monitor shipping lanes, it is important to give consideration to the ongoing status at your clinical sites including closures, limited availability of receiving personnel or restricted times of delivery. Please communicate all site limitations to Almac. Due to the changing situation, we recommend that you continue to speak directly to your Almac representative for the most current updates.
Partner Depot Management
Almac is working closely with their partner depots , receiving daily updates on operations and in country restrictions within impacted areas. Almac will continue to focus it’s efforts on building risk mitigation response plans with clients who face impacted shipments. All information obtained from the Almac Depot Network is assessed as part of the Almac BCP to identify any necessary subsequent actions or contingencies.
Direct to Patient via Site and Depot to Patient
Almac has the ability to offer and manage a global Direct to Patient via Site service option. Almac will manage this in conjunction with our qualified premium transportation partners. This service includes the supply of the Almac Pod™ shipping system and a temperature monitor. However, due to the ongoing travel restrictions within certain in-country areas and clinical site closures, Almac will develop customised Direct to Patient via Site strategies with the specific sponsor and site challenges in mind. If this is an option which you would like to consider please contact your Almac representative.
Our commitment to you
Now more than ever, we see the necessity of the work that you and your staff do with us in Partnering to Advance Human Health. We are in this together and committed to supporting your clinical trial needs and the patients you serve, as always. Be assured that we are working with the relevant in-country authorities to assess and monitor the supply chain situation and as events unfold we will continue to adapt our processes, policies and procedures as required. We encourage you to bring any concerns and questions directly to your Almac representative so we are able to ensure continuity of supply for you and your patients.
We hope you, your family and colleagues remain safe and well throughout these challenging times.
Click here to read Almac Group’s Response to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Outbreak.