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COVID-19 Resource Centre

Latest updates and resources from Almac Clinical Services

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COVID-19 Resource Centre

Latest updates and resources from Almac Clinical Services

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Supporting your clinical trials through COVID-19 

Almac Clinical Services has not experienced any significant operational impact due to the Coronavirus outbreak and our service levels remain unchanged. We have not seen any specific areas impacted due to the Omicron variant however Almac continues to review personnel arrangements and work shift patterns to maximise our available capacity and resources.  Any significant change in projected delivery levels will be communicated to clients quickly in order for us to determine the most appropriate supply plan.

The Almac Group is continuing to monitor the global situation relating to the Coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic and its potential effect to our operations, personnel, and clients. Almac’s global facilities have remained open and operational since the initial outbreak. The effectiveness of our Business Continuity Planning (BCP) is being continually monitored (and adjusted) to minimize any potential impact this pandemic would have to our worldwide operations.

Almac Business Continuity

Almac enacted its BCP framework across the Group in late January 2020. This framework remains in place and ensures the health and wellbeing of staff, minimising risk to business operations and management of resources to ensure our capacities and resources for clients are maximised. The enacted BCP has provision for control structures to facilitate lines of decision-making and ensure a consistent approach across all our global facilities. The details of these command groups are as follows –

  • Our “Gold Command” team, which includes Almac’s Board of Directors as well as Sr. Level Executives, are assessing the ever-evolving situation for any impact on our assets and personnel. Our “Gold Command” team directs our “Silver Command” representatives to execute our BCP processes as well as provide feedback from a regional perspective.
  • “Silver Command” teams consisting of Sr. Directors/Managers/Executives has been established at our European, Asia Pacific and North American facilities to meet frequently to proactively develop clear actions and lines of communications for staff and implement contingencies for any suspected transmissions of the virus and/or business impact at any of our facilities.
  • For the understanding of our customers, the approach taken by Almac for this situation is based upon the guidance and procedures set forth in our following SOP: SP/HSE/017 Contingency Planning and Business Continuity – Pandemic Flu.

Clinical Distribution and Global Logistics

Almac Clinical Services continues to proactively work with our logistics partners, vendors and in-country depots to obtain and act upon the latest information, to minimise any potential impact upon your patients, sites and ongoing worldwide clinical studies.

Almac’s courier partners have been fully assessed and are continually monitored as mentioned to ensure they have the appropriate processes, capacity and resources to meet the needs of our clients.  We can confirm that we have had no impact due to the COVID outbreak to our services and we do not expect this to change due to the Omicron variant

Subsequently, If there are any changes that may impact due to the ongoing pandemic , our clients will be notified via their Project Management contacts.

For an up to assessment of the logistics and global shipping information / country – please click HERE for out latest report.

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