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The Almac Group is an established contract development and manufacturing organization providing an extensive range of integrated services to the pharmaceutical and biotech sectors globally.  The Almac Group comprises a number of business divisions, with over 7,500 employees across its global facilities.  Almac Group Limited is the ultimate parent company of the Almac Group.

It is Almac’s policy to conduct all business in an honest and ethical manner.  It continues to be a priority for Almac to ensure that we work to prevent modern slavery and human trafficking within our organization and supply chains.  Almac is committed to acting professionally, fairly and with integrity in all business dealings and relationships and to implementing and enforcing effective systems and controls to ensure that modern slavery is not taking place anywhere in its business or in any supply chains.  


Almac has robust policies in place concerning the prohibition of modern slavery and human trafficking, which address our position on this issue and reflect our commitment to acting ethically and with integrity in all of our business relationships.  Our policies are reviewed on a regular basis.

In particular, Almac’s Corporate Policy on Anti-Slavery and Human Trafficking sets out our expectations regarding responsible business conduct and the standards of integrity that the Almac Group requires all directors, officers, employees, consultants, agency workers, volunteers and agents to follow. In 2024, Almac published its Human Rights Statement which is available on our website here and which further underlines our commitment to the protection of human rights throughout our business and operations.

Almac expects that our contractors, suppliers, sub-contractors, distributors or business partners supplying either goods or services (collectively ‘Suppliers‘) conform to the same values that we uphold and Almac will not conduct business with a Supplier involved in modern slavery or human trafficking.  Almac’s Supplier Code of Conduct (which is accessible here) addresses our expectations for current and potential Suppliers. In doing business with Almac, all Suppliers are required to comply with this Code.  


Prior to engaging in business with Almac, all potential Suppliers are required to provide information relating to the steps they have taken to ensure there is no modern slavery or human trafficking occurring in their supply chains.

Almac also conducts regular audits and assessments of our existing supply chain to ensure compliance and address any issues promptly.


All Suppliers engaging with Almac are required to comply with all applicable laws relating to modern slavery and human trafficking, including the UK Modern Slavery Act 2015 and all other local laws in the countries in which they operate.


Almac has established clear reporting mechanisms for employees, workers and other stakeholders to raise concerns about unethical behavior, including concerns relating to modern slavery and human trafficking. The reporting mechanisms include an anonymous hotline and a dedicated email address for reporting concerns and/or violations. Almac ensures that all reports are investigated promptly and thoroughly, with appropriate remedial actions taken, where necessary.


To ensure a high level of understanding of the risks of modern slavery and human trafficking in our supply chains and our business, all relevant staff (as identified by Almac) receive training.

This statement has been approved by the Board of Directors of Almac Group Limited (on behalf of itself and its affiliates) and is made pursuant to section 54(1) of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and constitutes the Almac Group’s slavery and human trafficking statement for the financial year ending 30th September 2024.

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