The Almac Gateway provides access to many of the online services provided by Almac.
For more information on some of these services, see "What does the Almac Gateway offer" below, or for a full list of service offerings, please reach out to your Almac contact. To access your Gateway account use the LOGIN link or to register a new account or request additional services on your existing account use REGISTER NOW.
My Dashboard displays critical data related to your study’s budget, production, distribution and returns. Key reporting functionalities can now be completed with the click of a button.
My Clinical Supplies
My Clinical Supplies is a reporting tool offered by Clinical Services which provides access to information about clincial supply manufacturing and distribution at Almac.
TempEZ is fully validated system offered by Almac Clinical Services to support temperature management of clinical supplies.
Label Approval System
The Label Approval System is a fully validated system offered by Almac Clinical Services to facilitate the electronic approval of clinical study labels.
Depot Network
Depot Network is a system offered by Clincal Services which provides distribution depots access to view, print and export pending distribution orders.
Pharma POP
Pharma POP is a supply chain managament tool offered by Pharma Services for commercial drug products that receives orders directly from users.
IXRS® 3 Login
The most configurable Interactive Response Technology (IRT) platform available. With IRT Boosters ART, OVERSIGHT and DCT.